My general research interests are statistical methods for nonparametric and high dimensional settings. My methodological research is focused on measurement error modeling, graphical model, and sufficient dimension reduction. In addition, I collaborated with scientists in various fields to address scientific questions using data.
Statistical Theory and Methodology
- W. Li, L. Nghiem, F.K.C. Hui, A. H. Welsh (2024+). Sufficient dimension reduction in the presence of non-ignorable missing covariates, submitted.
- L. Nghiem and F.K.C. Hui (2024+). Random effects model-based sufficient dimension reduction for independent clustered data, accepted in Journal of American Statistical Association. (preprint).
- L. Nghiem, A. Ding, S. Wu (2023+). Statistical analyses for differentially-private matrix masking data, submitted.
- L. Nghiem and C. Potgieter (2023+). A linear errors-in-variables model with unknown heteroscedastic measurement errors, Statistica Sinica. Paper
- L. Nghiem, F.K.C. Hui, S. Mueller, and A. H. Welsh (2024). Likelihood-based surrogate dimension reduction, Statistics and Computing. Paper
- L. Nghiem, F.K.C. Hui, S. Mueller, and A. H. Welsh (2022). Screening methods for linear errors-in-variables models in high dimensions, Biometrics. Paper
- L. Nghiem, F.K.C. Hui, S. Mueller, and A. H. Welsh (2022). Estimation of graphical models for skew continuous data, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. Paper
- F.K.C. Hui and L. Nghiem (2022). Sufficient dimension reduction for clustered data via finite mixture modelling, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics. Paper
- L. Nghiem, F.K.C. Hui, S. Mueller, and A. H. Welsh (2021). Sparse sliced inverse regression via Cholesky matrix penalization, Statistica Sinica. Paper
- M. Byrd, L. Nghiem, and M. Mcgee (2021). Bayesian regularization of Gaussian graphical models with measurement errors, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Paper
- L. Nghiem, M. Byrd, and C. Potgieter (2020). Estimation in linear errors-in-variables models with unknown error distribution, Biometrika. Paper
- L. Nghiem and C. Potgieter (2019). Simulation-Selection-Extrapolation: Estimation in high-dimensional errors-in-variables models, Biometrics. Paper
- L. Nghiem and C. Potgieter (2018). Phase function density deconvolution with heteroscedastic measurement error of unknown type (2018), Statistics in Medicine. Paper
- Nghiem, L., Cao, J., Moon, C. Enhancing Empathic Accuracy: Penalized Functional Alignment Method to Correct Misalignment in Emotional Perception, submitted. Preprint
- Nghiem, L., Tabak, B., Wallmark, Z., Alvi, T., Cao, J. (2022). A Bayesian Latent Variable Model for Analysis of Empathic Accuracy, Recent Advances on Sampling Methods and Educational Statistics. Paper
- Tabak, B. A, Wallmark, Z., Nghiem, L., Alvi, T., Sunahara, C. S., Lee, J, & Cao, J. (2022). Initial evidence for a relation between behaviorally assessed empathic accuracy and affect sharing for people and music, Emotion. Paper.
- Z. Wallmark, L. Nghiem, and L. Marks (2021). Does timbre modulate visual perception? Exploring cross-modal interactions, Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Paper
- Z. Wallmark, R. Frank, and L. Nghiem (2019). Creating novel timbres from adjectives: An exploratory study using FM synthesis, Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain. Paper
- L. Nghiem and T. Yunes (2016). A Heuristic Method for Scheduling Band Concert Tours, SIAM Journal of Undergraduate Research. Paper