At the Australian National University (ANU), I’m the course convener for the following courses:
- STAT6038 Regression Modelling for Master of Applied Data Analytics (MADA) program (Autumn Session 2020, 2021)
- STAT7055 Introductory Statistics for Business and Finance for MADA program (Spring Session 2021)
At the University of Sydney, I’m the lecturer and course coordinator for the following courses:
- STAT3022/3922/4022: Applied Linear Models (third-year course for undergraduate Statistics major, both mainstream and advanced groups) (Semester 1 – 2022, 2023)
- STAT3023: Statistical inference (third-year course for undergraduate Statistics major) (Semester 2 – 2022)
- MATH1905: Statistical Thinking with Data (Advanced) (first-year undergraduate introductory statistics for advanced students)